This Seafood HACCP online training course was developed by the New York Sea Grant Extension Program and Cornell University Cooperative Extension in collaboration with the National Seafood HACCP Alliance.
This original material is based upon work supported by the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under agreement number 99-41560-0768. The 2011 edition of the online course was partially funded by a grant from the National Integrated Food Safety Initiative (Grant No. 2009-51110-20174) of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Project Manager—Michael Ciaramella, New York Sea Grant and Cornell University
The course was originally designed and converted to the online format by Steve Kern of Cornell University’s SC Johnson College of Business.
The original course concept, structure, format, and initial draft modules were developed by a working subcommittee of the Alliance including: Ken Gall, Debra DeVlieger, Steve Kern, Steve Otwell and Victor Garrido of the University of Florida, Lori Pivarnik of the University of Rhode Island, Doris Hicks of the University of Delaware Sea Grant Program, and Karla Ruzicka of the National Marine Fisheries Service.
In 2020 the course went through a modernization process led by Michael Ciaramella of NY Sea Grant and Cornell University with assistance from the SHA Segment One Update Committee including Jason Bolton of the University of Maine and Lori Pivarnik of the University of Rhode Island and technical support from Steve Kern of Cornell University’s SC Johnson College of Business.